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  • caldun09


Updated: Mar 16, 2021

St Valentine’s day has lovingly been celebrated for another year. It was a Valentine’s Day of big takeaways, of remote dining, of zoom dating and remote birdies. It was all so strange and unreal, yet we survived it as love conquers everything. The flowers will survive a few more days and the chocolates will last on the hips ,pending extra gym workouts, whenever they reopen, and love will last for ever.

It was lovely to see a fine Monday morning after the romantic weekend of snow, sleet and rain. The temperatures were well up and spring had definitely sprung. I was out early into the great outdoors and headed for a beach walk.

It was the first day in 2021 that I was able to discard the “Michelin Man look”, the woolly hats and gloves and scarves. I headed down to the beach and walked at the back of the rock armour. There were very few people down in this territory. I observed two photographers set up with all their gear and suitably clothed, taking photos of waves crashing over rocks. They seemed happy enough.

I was mesmerised yet becalmed by the constant sound of the sea crashing down on the rocks.

Then I looked skywards and saw the contrails of a few jets overhead. Those lovely white streams of vapour are less frequent these days due to the lesser number of flights. The only contrails we have seen lately are when our breath condensed into vapour on so many cold days .I thought about who might be travelling and to where. Were they all going to get their molars repaired in Tenerife or Lanzarote? It’s only God and themselves know. I wonder are people from other countries as silly in their pandemic behaviour or is it strictly an Irish thing. Thankfully it is only the irresponsible minority who will risk their own and their family’s health for their few days in the sun.

I am totally happy with my interesting daily beach and forest walks. There are lots of interesting people to meet .The forest is slowly beginning to spring back into life. The wild garlic is beginning to show, and the odd brave tree is shooting out a few shoots .This renewal of nature is gathering pace and will keep me interested in the next couple of months.

We have been told that we may get a slightly more liberal travel regime by May . We will live in hope. I think, by then, there should be a greater percentage of the population vaccinated and should make people slightly more relaxed moving outside their 5Kms.

Meanwhile on the tidal front we have had some very high spring tides so far this year. These tides, allied to the exceptional heavy rain that has fallen, have done considerable damage to the sea-life and seashore. Seals have been washed up on shore and tragically some of these will die according to Seal Rescue Ireland.

The beach is also strewn with an array of star fish and razor shells in addition to a huge array of crabs, prawns, lobster and oyster shells on shore.

This was real evidence of very rough seas outside that had disturbed the sea floor. It was a dream day for children who were making discoveries by the second. It was an equally demanding day on parents with Mom look what I found. What is it ?

Then Dad, look what I have. Can you take a photo of it? It was a great day to be on a beach.

I was walking along when I found a little young octopus which appeared to be alive. I naturally got out the camera and snapped it. When I had just finished a mother and young daughter were passing by. I showed them my wee friend just washed up on the shore and I invited them to join in returning it to the Irish Sea. Mama took out the I-phone and operation rescue octopus began.

They got two wide sticks and daughter gently nudges young octopus back into the sea while mama dutifully filmed the whole operation. They thanked me profusely for making their day so special. I was naturally delighted to see such happiness in their faces.

The sand banks have been permanently damaged with huge sand slides on to the beach. This is so sad to watch as this also erodes some woodland paths and vegetation. I was watching a sand bank about 10 feet high by about 60 metres long crumbling and falling out to sea

On a positive side it has dumped tons of sand on to the beach. It was so nice to see the shimmering sunlight across the newly lain very wet sand on the beach.

I walked along the shore totally lost in the crashing, lashing, splashing sea rolling in high wave after wave and the constant spray they were engendering as they crashed over the rocks.

It certainly energises body and soul to experience the sea and its wave power on days like this. I always feel very invigorated after a couple of hours out in the open air with the healthy sea breezes in my face . It certainly adds to a person’s daily intake of Vitamin D.

It also gives a person a great appetite so its time for home and the fresh cod or salmon to boost my Omega 3 levels

That’s St Valentine celebrated for another year. As the song goes Love, Love, Love, Love is all you need.

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