Thanks to all the 201 of you who turned up for the launch of my book.Thanks a million to all 181 of you who have visited the book page on my Ramblers Blog since then and to the 400 of you who have bought the The Boy Who Kicked The Nun book. I hope you are enjoying it and I look forward to hearing from you.
We brought the nun on tour to Tralee, Dingle and Listowel and we had a very special session in the writers week town.
We met Mary Cogan of The Listowel Connection. She writes a blog which goes all over the world discussing Listowel and other affairs. Mary brought us to Wolfes book shop which is an independent bookshop in the heart of Listowel. We met the owner ,took photos and the Nun is now on sale there.We had coffee and chat in The Listowel Arms and had a walk around Listowel with Mary acting as guide.She presented us copies of her beautiful book"A Minute of Your Time' and we reciprocated with a copy of "The Boy who kicked the nun"
We dropped a copy of the kicking boy into Kerry County Library . It is now also available for borrowing in all Wexford libraries
Since then we have been on South East Radio.We had a major feature in The Goey Guardian and in Love Gorey.
It is available for purchasing at Easons in Gorey, Red Books, Wexford, John Doyles ,Main Street, Gorey,The Coffee Pod in the town Park,Gorey, Wolfes in Listowel, The Bridge Bookshop, Wicklow Town,Springmount Garden Centre, Gorey,on line at and directly from myself..
It was great to get positive comments from Australia, Canada,Dublin,New York,London, Manchester ,Westmeath, South Korea, Vietnam and friends all over Ireland.
Continue to enjoy 'The Boy Who Kicked The Nun' by Mick O Callaghan and you might recommend it to friends.
Míle buíochas