Having traversed the majestic grounds of Hillview
And viewed its many beautiful colourful plants
We ambled down towards the duck pond
We were suitably clad in raincoat gear
I was brandishing my protective Kerry brolly
To fend off the wetting effect of constant drizzle
While treading very carefully
Down the muddy rain-soaked path
Through the inviting open wooden gates
And viewed an ornate resting bench
The day was damp as was the seat
And not one for resting bums on seats
So, we plodded on carefully
Down along the muddy sodden slippery ground
Past some beautiful verdant green shrubbery
Dotted with some remaining fragments
Of the annual extravagant Hosta display
On our right was a newly planted oak tree
Resplendent with its fresh coat of ornate leaves
Behind it stood a most beautiful hydrangea
Its lovely white flowers sprawling on the ground
Being weighed down, strained and washed out
By recent incessant weeping from the heavens
So, we trudged along the grassy green rain-soaked path
And edged our way forward to a nice white painted iron platform
We stood and viewed the green algae covered pond
We crossed over an old moss laden ivy-covered wooden bridge
Past a forest bush struggling to survive
With clinging ivy wrapping its green tentacles all around it
In an all embracing over wrapping choking hug
As we view the pond, we note some dummy ducks
Which were positioned on the bank and in the pond itself
As we stared into the abyss of the algae smothered duck pond
We beheld a solitary duck nesting on her eggs
Waiting for her baby ducklings to hatch out
She was heavily camouflaged and in perfect peace
We did not disturb the duck sanctuary
And departed to let her hatch away in peace
In the cosiness and security of her pond side nest.
Mick O Callaghan July 2024